Ishtar Antares was born in 1971 in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Since childhood he had many spontaneous kundalini experiences that brought to him clear uninterrupted memory of his past incarnations and his existence before he came to this planet in Atlantis. He began conscious channeling in 1993. The power of his message soon reached many people and he was invited by many radio and TV stations in Slovenia, Croatia and Italy to give interviews, almost one million people watching and listening to his transformative message. He wrote dozens of articles for several different local and international magazines. His book »Aurora 2012«, originally published in Slovenia, is now available in English and will soon be available in Spanish also. He gives workshops on Ascension process, Abundance and Light body activation worldwide.

Leja Raman was born in Slovenia and is a sociologist and a seeker of deeper truths in life. She was instructed in shamanic healing by Foster Perry (Golden Hummingbird) and received initiations from Shimara Kumara, the founder of Gaia Eternal Light ® system, including all initiations into planetary rays. Her spiritual growth was enriched by meeting and working with Mother Amma and Mother Meera, Mary Elizabeth Marlow, Thomas Keller, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar... She developed Dance of Goddesses and Gods, a healing system of personal transformation and DNA activation through dance of balancing male and female principles, that she is teaching worldwide. She is a Colour Works therapist, Bach flower essences consultant, classical Swedish massage therapist, AFA aerobics instructor, leader of GAIA and dance workshops, leader of GAIA healing circles, indigo children consultant....