By I S H T A R A N T A R E S
We are living in extraordinary times. This world is about to enter a totally new dimension, a new reality, an end of linear time. Are you ready? This workshop is a detailed introduction to preparednesss...

Friday 7 p.m. to 9 p.m………………….INTRODUCTION
Saturday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. ………………. PLANETARY LIGHTWORK
-History of the Universe, Galactic wars and Atlantis
-Planetary and extraplanetary forces of Light
-AURORA: divine plan for the New Age
-NESARA and First Contact
-Galactic Wave of love and tachyon energy
-Planetary light grid healing
Saturday 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. ……………...… ASCENSION TRAINING
-Your mission – life you were born to live
-Initiations and path of evolution
-Emotional vibrational healing, kundalini and
samadhi experiences
-Deprogramming of consciousness
Sunday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. ……………….… LIGHT BODY ACTIVATION
-Light body activation
-One heart, One eye and Galactic core
-Ascension Column
-Living in abundance: law of manifestation
Sunday 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. ………………….. SOUL FAMILY
-Group Ascension process
-Twin souls, Soulmates and Soul families
-Relationships of duality and relationships
of Oneness
If you would like to experience this workshop in your country, feel free to contact Ishtar.
Here are some testimonals from his amazing workshops:
I participated in two workshops. My sentiment was that of a profound discovery that allowed me to incorporate the laws of both The Universe and The Earth into my daily life to achieve greater self-development. It felt like solving a puzzle with lots of disaggregated information that I had about the Cosmos and the Creation and trying to link it both historically and energetically in a coherent database so as to give some sense to the Unified Whole, my Higher Self. This enables me to better grasp the meaning of life. Also, I now have greater confidence in my possibilities to live an extremely interesting present –in the now- life, with much less fear and much more confidence in the fact that all that I desire will eventually happen as a natural event. Life becomes more interesting, intense, and full of real experiences that come to us naturally.
-Ricardo Trejos
I was attracted to this experience by my girlfriend. She told me that I should attend to the workshops and live the experience myself. I went there with no expectations, and I left with lots of knowledge. Not only could Ishtar teach us essential things about our planet, past lives and energy. He taught us ways to get in touch with our souls and our true purpose in this world. It’s a workshop that I would recommend to anybody that’s interested in achieving his/her dreams and live a happier life.
-Mauricio Madrigal
I participated in all 3 workshops given by Isthar Antares. It’s hard to put in words such a magnificent experience, but in summary these workshops totally changed my life and I will always be grateful to Isthar for sharing this experience with us. I went through a deep and transformational process. My belief systems completely changed, also the way I see and live my life. The information given to us in all these workshops is very powerful and anyone and everyone who is in the spiritual path MUST take these workshops, everyone has a right to and should know all this information. A lot of the knowledge I learned previously seemed to get tied all into the same strand and now not only human history makes sense but also my life. I recommend these workshops to everyone and I guarantee you that you will not be disappointed. I also had the marvelous experience how having my astral chart interpreted by Isthar. All I have to say is that this is a MUST for everyone also. It gave me a clear picture of what was going on in my life and where I am headed. It also gave me lots of hope because he reaffirmed a lot of the things that I believed but didn’t have the guts to do…
-Carolina Brenes
I personally did not assist to Isthar workshops but my sister (she lives in Costa Rica and I live in Belgium) was kind enough to tell me all about the workshops during a telephone conversation. I would have never guessed something like this would change my life forever. She explained to me how free will works, amongst other things. I finally understood free will in a clear way and I put it into practice. I am a DJ and was going through a time where I had to make a though decision regarding a record label. I followed Isthar’s advice and followed my inner voice. Thanks to this, I got a better deal than what I could ever imagine. And right after that, I started to receive numerous offers. If I ever have the opportunity to take these workshops in person, I will do so. They have changed my family’s lives and also mine. Thank you!
-Bartosz Brenes